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  • BLPS

B-Bolster the Spiritual Formation Plan

What Does It Mean?

An intentional plan whereby men and women, boys and girls become more fully devoted followers of God. It is the value added at BLPS whereby the  home and school serve as partners in raising a Godly generation.

How Will It Happen?

By encouraging every family to become more active towards GOD, providing parent training workshops and discussion groups, and creating partnerships that lead toward more outreach and missions opportunity for current students, graduates, and families.

E-Excellence in Teaching and Learning

What Does It Mean?

Giving teachers the time, resources, and support needed to produce powerful and effective student learners who study to show themselves in this competitive world.

How Will It Happen?

Remove obstacles in the schedule that take time from the teachers’ classroom instructional activities, adopt an aggressive writing/communications plan for grades K-12, foster a culture of learning that emphasizes rigor, relevance, and relationships, continue The Truth Project integration, and articulate a detailed curriculum map for grades K-12.


S-Servant Leadership Emphasis

What Does It Mean?

A servant leader is one who follows the teaching of Holy Books -- to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly.

How Will It Happen?

By bringing some program that increases the leadership quality...programs like debate, group discussion and all.


T-Telling the Story

What Does It Mean?

Using our influence as members of BLPS family to draw people into a relationship with God.

How Will It Happen?

Varsity athletic teams will begin or end each contest by inviting the opposing team to pray, the fine arts students will use their venues to testify to the beauty and majesty of God’s truth, and as a school family we will live our lives in community so that unbelievers will know that we are God-followers by the way that we love one another.

मिशन स्वावलम्बन

 मिशन स्वावलम्बन का प्रारम्भ  प्रत्येक सप्ताह के सोमवार से 20 बच्चों के साथ नए बैच से होगा।

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डॉ भीमराव अम्बेडकर जी का निर्वाण दिवस

विद्यालय में  डॉ भीमराव अम्बेडकर जी का निर्वाण दिवस मनाया गया

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Gandhi Jayanti

International Non - Violence Day 

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International Peace Day

International Peace Day

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Janmastami Celebration

Shri Krisna Janmastami Celebration

for more photos click on-http://blpspublicschool.in/Gallery

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General Disciplinary Rules

Discipline is as important as the education is.

Periods of the classes will be notified at the time of commencement of the academic year.

Students should reach to the school on right time unless informing proper reason.

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